Friday, September 11, 2009
She Rides Shotgun (part 2)
Okay, so how do you figure out what direction you're headed in? How do you know where you're supposed to go, or, if you're on the right track? What is YOUR destiny? Or for that matter... What IS destiny?
These too, are questions that may never really get answered to your full satisfaction, but they can. Paths, roads, and destiny are a whole subject unto themselves. A lot of the definition depends on your spiritual and personal philosophies, and the depth to which you are dedicated to look at yourself… What do you really think? Do you believe that you are entitled to be happy, fulfilled, and prosperous? Or do you believe suffering in this life, guarantees your position in the next life? Do you think you are special? With a very specific purpose that can enhance the lives of others? Or do you believe you're just another lost soul simply wandering this unfamiliar plane until your time is up?
Alright, now forget all of the ambient white noise in the background. Ignore, for just a moment, all that you have been taught. What do you really FEEL? In your heart. Deep down in the depths of your soul... What do you feel? HONESTLY. Deeply. Freely. Sincerely. Truly. Who do you feel you are? Not who 'Who do you believe, or think you are?', but WHO do you FEEL like? Your mind thinks, and believes, but your heart feels. Your mind is conditioned. It is taught and shown what to accept as truth. Fed from external sources, your mind can be so easily manipulated, trained, and tricked. Your heart, when fed with wholesome ingredients and is properly nourished, it will always lead you in the right direction. It is your internal guide. Your compass. It will never misguide you, so long as you stay connected to your divine core… your humbled soul.
Since the beginning of time, and still, many native customs, religions, and cultures perform divinations for newborns to determine, among other things, the child's destiny. This equips the parents and guardians with the information needed to ensure their child is brought up in accordance with the child's own individual path, thereby creating the best possible environment for living that destiny, a measure for fulfilling life's divine mission for each person. On a very basic level, it gives you a template to build upon.
Okay, so your parents didn't communicate with the ‘other side’ when you were born, and you aren't really sure what your destiny is. Granted. Most of us modern day westerners didn’t. You don’t know what your destiny is, and all this talk about it might be uncomfortable. So, how can you find out what yours is? How do you know if you're on the right path? What if you're in the wrong job, with the wrong person, living in the wrong place? How would you know if you were following your destiny or not? Is there a right or wrong answer? Is there a way to find out for sure? On your own, without a fortune teller, a see-er, or a psychic?
Certainly there is!
On a very simple scale you can start by taking a look at the activities you are involved in. Which make you happy? Which fulfill you? Is there a job you'd love to do even if you were paid little or nothing? What things come naturally to you? Are you always getting compliments on how well you perform certain tasks? What are your special gifts? How do you affect people? How do they affect you? What sets you aside from others? What makes you different, unique, odd, interesting, … talented…? What drives you, motivates you, inspires you? What do you give of yourself?
These questions will often begin your journey in the right direction to defining your destiny. Are you on a road fraught with misery and pain? Do you find life a burden? Do you wish for more? Do you feel empty and hollow... like something is missing? Do you feel as if you are trying to force a round peg into a square hole?…
As you begin to draft and follow your soul map, you move closer to own personal heaven on earth. Closer to your dreams, and live more closely aligned to your life's purpose - whatever it may be. Your vision becomes clearer, enabling you to see better, to react quicker, and more appropriately to a given situation. You learn to be still and listen, how to recognize the signs, what each one means, and what to look for. You learn how to modify your pace, and adjust your steps as you navigate all of the inevitable obstacles along your paved yellow concrete road. You'll learn what luck, windfalls, and bonuses look like, if there is such a thing. You'll know how to change course, when to no avail, you find yourself pushing too hard in the wrong direction. You’ll know when you find yourself repeating cycles of which you already know the outcome.
…To Be Continued…Back in a few days…
Friday, July 24, 2009
She Rides Shotgun (part 1)
So com
Who am I?
What is my purpose? Why do certain things happen to me? Where am I headed? How do I know if I'm on the right track? Can you count the number of times you've asked yourself these questions? I can't… and there are many more questions. Questions which may, during the course of a lifetime, never get answered. At least not with answers we're satisfied with. Ones that really make sense. We ask questions, get no useful answer, and we just keep rolling along like ole man river. ..... We don't say no-thing. We just ke-e-ep roll-ing aalo-o-o-ng ... " Living our lives involuntarily. Just going with the flow. Landing wherever fate tosses us.
A lifetime can be spent spinning in the revolving door of unconsciousness. On an infinite carousel. Never really feeling satisfied. Never feeling whole, or complete. Still asking the same questions. Some people really believe that "Life's a bitch and then you die!". Believing the ‘life experience’ is a round trip to hell and back. Many awake to the realization that they've spent way too much time waiting. Waiting for some kind of magic to happen on one of those boring, mundane revolutions, around that safe, stable, axis holding existence in place. One day, suddenly it dawns on them, that they have squandered valuable, irreplaceable time doing nothing, by limiting themselves to only that which they know.
So long a
Too many of us spend our lives waiting for the universe to 'overnight' us a winning lottery ticket. Or at the very least some kind 'sign' that we're moving in the right direction. Problem is, most of us, don't have a clue where we're trying to go, let alone how to decipher or navigate the map to get there. Even more challenging is trying to create a map to follow when your whole sense of direction is distorted. A sure recipe for misery, and quite possibly a disaster.
Here's a hypothetical exercise: Get up right now... head for the door, turn the knob, walk outside, take a few steps ... and meet me at my cousin's house.
Yeah… you heard me….!
Meet me at my cousin's house!
She's on the 2nd floor. She loves teddy bears. I think she may still collect them. Oh, and make sure you prepare yourself for the weather; it's been pretty extreme for the season. See you at 7!…
True, they are specific, but not clear enough for you to decipher any meaningful directions. To get a clearer picture, you'd need better information upon which to build. This would require you to ask some very specific questions. It might help to know where my cousin lives ... What city? What street? Which building? What she looks like? What's her name? I might answer, “She lives in Richmond, VA... lives on James Street... in the 4-story gray building next to the park... and so on. But that still might not be enough information to get you there by 7. Oh, and by the way, is that 7 am or pm? Because that could change everything!
This is the same way many of us travel through life. Not really clear on our directions. No maps. No guides. Just lowly individuals, hoping to avoid pain. Sometimes with no real hope of happiness. We just want to experience as little pain as possible while we're here, so we spend our lives moving, searching for a comfort zone. Seeking asylum in the least resistive spaces and finding contentment in this effortless destiny. 'You Live and You Die', is the mantra of many. They believe it, they live it, and they unconsciously manifest it, when they accept it as their truth. It becomes their reality, and their very existence turns into a laborious task of choosing the lesser-perceived evils.
What happens when you change your mantra? What happens when change your sacred words? Can you then change your life? Yes you can! Absolutely! Unequivocally! YES YOU CAN!!! You can manifest your dreams into reality by changing the way you see things…which will change how your react to things. You can design your own life map by putting yourself in the driver's seat. In the process you not only find out where you're headed, but you learn how to get there… how to follow the cues… how to pace yourself on the journey… and how to overcome your obstacles. So much more is revealed to you.
Once you draw your map, and begin to follow it, you realize that the secret of life is not hidden. It is right before your eyes. (…To Be Continued…Back in a few days…in the meantime, read or listen to Center Yourself below… )
Center yourself
Right down the middle
Align yourself
With your sense of being
Be at peace with your core
Bask in the essence of you
Relish in the knowledge
That God created you special
With purpose
With intent
With destiny
God created you
With spirit
With ability
With power
The power to touch
To taste
To feel
To be
One with self
One with breath
One with power
One with depth
One with possibility
One with strength
One with the energy
One with sense, of mind
She has bestowed
Upon you the gift of life
So cherish it
Nurture it
Take care of it
This mind, body and soul
You are privileged to occupy
Honor your space
Celebrate your place
Grow with the challenges you face
Develop your character
Modify your pace
Humble your heart
Balance your light and dark
Revere your ancestors
Respect the universe
And the ocean
And the moon
Live in truth
Don’t focus on others
Focus on you
Less on material wealth
Immunize your spiritual health
And you will find
The secret of life
Is not hidden
It is right before your eyes
Completely within your touch
Within your command
You stand
At the helm of your fate
You control your state
Don’t use your energy
Use it wisely
Deciding you WILL
Be a peace
Calm yourself
Listen closely
And you will hear
The clues are always there
When you relieve yourself
Of the stress
And begin to feel God in your chest
Be at peace
Allow it to flow
Allow peace into your soul
Free your mind
And the rest will follow
Close your mind
And remain shallow
Or empty, and hollow
Swallow your pride
And realize
That the soul is divine
And so too the mission
So as you define your position
Listen to your head
Feel the sun rise in the east
And your human self
Will always be at. . .
So, center yourself
Right down the middle
Align yourself
With your sense of being
Be at peace with your core
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Longest Night... Might try to film this soon...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
That's the way she rolls..... :-)
“That’s the Way She Rolls” (hip hop) featuring your's truly over a beat by DJ Questionmark, aired in May, 09 on Live Roots TV Channel 17 Santa Barbara. The song and video were collaborated through the web. Big Ups to Mike on this one! We've gotta do this again... Burnin Babylon is next! :-)
Catch Mike at
Have you heard the one about the woman who walks into a (blog) bar...???
Greetings and salutations...
Hope everybody is staying on that daily grind... Be happy. Some folks don't have a 'grind'.
I thought long and hard about starting this blog. What would I talk about? How much time would it require to maintain, and could I be doing something better with that time? I contemplated, then justified all the reasons not to. It just didn't seem it would be my thing.... Although, I AM a writer, so I guess the writing part wouldn't be so bad. But what would it be about??? I honestly had never really followed anyone's blog, so the need to convert wasn't really there yet... Not until more that one elder told me to write and tell my story. They said would be important for me to write, share my stories, ideas, and give insight into the world of this lil African-'African-American' girl. (yeah that was an intentional double African'ism)... Then a few weeks ago I revisited my friend at, and it hit me like a ton of bricks!!!!!! Ah ha!!!! I NEED TO WRITE!
It means my family may tolerate me more now that they can share me with the world, and someone else can shock-absorb my musings.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It's all in the Jeans....!
The last picture here is pretty nice though. :-)
It's okay Mr President.... We'll forgive you.... If you can name 5 Harold's chicken locations, you'll be all good with me.... Throw in the chicken shack #'s and you'll have my vote next go 'round! lol
Step Up... Step Up... Everybody step on up.......!
So if you know anything about me... You probably at least know I'm very passionate about social justice, individual empowerment, and thinking creatively... about new ways, to solve old problems... with alternative medicine... divine energy, and somehow figure a way to incorporate hip-hop.
It's all the same isn't it? The natural way to wanna live...? Does not everyone feel a higher sense of connectedness. The same desires to do to right by nature... and right by the universe... and abide by the laws of human kind? ......... Okay, so maybe not.... Too bad. Their loss......
But me, I believe, the true magic of life comes when you learn how to not only synchronize all of your elements in play, and with the most divine precision, strike at just the right time, with just enough force, you cannot miss. From the smallest to largest target... You cannot miss! That is what life is about! Learning how to play the game, master the game, gain new skill levels, and advance your position...
Once you realize your goal, your ambitions become more refined, your success greater, and find yourself truly experiencing life... creating more positive outcomes.
Well, at least I do....
That's why I'm so charged... amped... geeked... (whoa, watch out now....! uh, what else.... c'mon... help me out ya'll... uh... stoked)... about the direction I see my generation moving in. Not what we did, but what we are doing. Stepping back up to the plate, taking more active roles in the mobilization of a movement. A movement of headz who understand our role to preserve the sanctity of a culture divinely commissioned to serve as the voice of a generation.
Taking active roles in rebuilding communities. No longer sitting on the sidelines, but using experience, technology, and the evolution of ideas to promote progressive change. I'm personally happy to have the opportunity to use hip-hop as fuel for my vehicle.
So, if you feel like me and feel a need to be a part of the solution.... even if you don't consider yourself 'hip-hop', find your role in the movement and speak it loud, and proud, and clear... for all to hear! There should be no room in your drawers for apathy! It's a nice way of saying 'lame'! (Well, again... according to me... And who am I?... I am the millions of voices of folks fighting for freedom to live fulfilled....) The oldest and still most valid, reason to be active is still as relevant today, as it was 100 years ago. "You can't complain about something, do nothing, and expect change." .....
Oh! ha, ha, ha you're still waiting for Barack Obama to serve you some fried Change, with a side order of hope (with hot & mild sauce)... Then you interpreted the wrong message, SON! His journey is not to rescue us from despair... Now these are just my words, but I think his mission is (partly) to show us that, even the most 'unexpected-seemingly-impossible dreams' can come true. If we could witness a black president and his black family, move into the the White House, then surely one can dream of rebuilding a community... a neighborhood... a block... a family.
That's why I'm so 'pumped' (ha... there's more. lol) about what I can see from my vantage point. So many people, are apparently not getting a good view of what's going on. They say things like, "Hip-Hop is dead and ain't coming back"... Stuff like "Chicago is the home of haters, cos we don't support each other... blah, blahhhh", or worse "Ain't nobody doing nothing no way!!!!"
AHHHHHHH the blasphemy! Many of us are grinding hard... digging trenches with our bare knuckles.... and I'm not even as hard core as some of my counterparts. Those who have been here on the streets of Chi even before Barack Obama rose through the ranks of grassroots community organizer to president of these here United States.
And It Don't Stop, The Movement Continues this year as we host the continuum of harmonious grandeur to fruition. It's happening right before your eyes.... The revolution is intellectual, spiritual, community oriented and progressive... It is marked by change, and how far the pendulum swings when we are in full action.
We're on the move.... And I'm NOT gonna sit by and just watch....
You shouldn't either...
Monday, July 20, 2009
ROFL! I'm sorry but that is hilarious to me!!!!!!!
HELLO new blog world!
Moving is always a challenge.
Sorting through....
deciding what to take...
what to leave behind.
Packing carefully the memories
you want to keep, wrapping the really special ones
in outdated words, and advertisements
finely tucked in boxes... and folders, and notebooks, and
cell phones, and on paper napkins written at nite clubs lit by battery operated candles.....
As I pack, and unpack, I begin a whole new jour... journe.......
I begin a whole new jour... journe.......
Ugh! Pardon me while I puke! It's really hard to stomach Christopher Hill/US Ambassador to Iraq. I don't know why we continue to let fools and idiots get face time, and allow apathy to keep us paralyzed. Okay granted he's not an elected official. But dammit there are a lot of people we elect into office, and we can only shake our heads every time they open their mouths... But this dude is a trip! Maybe it's just me, but I would think at some point someone would for once, jump up and yell, "He doesn't know what he's talking about!!!!", "Get him outta there!!!!".... Okay so maybe you aren't packing at 2 o'clock in the morning, don't have cable, and prefer PBS to music videos and soap operas, any day.... but this man has no business speaking on anyone's behalf, let alone Iraqi citizens. I'm pretty disgusted right now! He says he believes most Iraqis are happier that the US invaded their country...! WTF#1... Charlie Rose asked "How he knew they were happier...." (insert drum roll.....) Hill, responded "Through focus groups...among other things!". WTF#2!!!
Okay back to the rigors of moving... and packing...
Checking in to my new space....
My new digs.....
BLOG!!!!! Okay yeah, I agree, that was terrible! lol
Pardon my dust while I figure things out here at and I'll be back with more juicy insight from the vault. Can I say that? Is that was this place is for? lol.