ROFL! I'm sorry but that is hilarious to me!!!!!!!
HELLO new blog world!
Moving is always a challenge.
Sorting through....
deciding what to take...
what to leave behind.
Packing carefully the memories
you want to keep, wrapping the really special ones
in outdated words, and advertisements
finely tucked in boxes... and folders, and notebooks, and
cell phones, and on paper napkins written at nite clubs lit by battery operated candles.....
As I pack, and unpack, I begin a whole new jour... journe.......
I begin a whole new jour... journe.......
Ugh! Pardon me while I puke! It's really hard to stomach Christopher Hill/US Ambassador to Iraq. I don't know why we continue to let fools and idiots get face time, and allow apathy to keep us paralyzed. Okay granted he's not an elected official. But dammit there are a lot of people we elect into office, and we can only shake our heads every time they open their mouths... But this dude is a trip! Maybe it's just me, but I would think at some point someone would for once, jump up and yell, "He doesn't know what he's talking about!!!!", "Get him outta there!!!!".... Okay so maybe you aren't packing at 2 o'clock in the morning, don't have cable, and prefer PBS to music videos and soap operas, any day.... but this man has no business speaking on anyone's behalf, let alone Iraqi citizens. I'm pretty disgusted right now! He says he believes most Iraqis are happier that the US invaded their country...! WTF#1... Charlie Rose asked "How he knew they were happier...." (insert drum roll.....) Hill, responded "Through focus groups...among other things!". WTF#2!!!
Okay back to the rigors of moving... and packing...
Checking in to my new space....
My new digs.....
BLOG!!!!! Okay yeah, I agree, that was terrible! lol
Pardon my dust while I figure things out here at and I'll be back with more juicy insight from the vault. Can I say that? Is that was this place is for? lol.
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