Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Step Up... Step Up... Everybody step on up.......!


So if you know anything about me... You probably at least know I'm very passionate about social justice, individual empowerment, and thinking creatively... about new ways, to solve old problems... with alternative medicine... divine energy, and somehow figure a way to incorporate hip-hop.

It's all the same isn't it? The natural way to wanna live...? Does not everyone feel a higher sense of connectedness. The same desires to do to right by nature... and right by the universe... and abide by the laws of human kind? ......... Okay, so maybe not.... Too bad. Their loss......

But me, I believe, the true magic of life comes when you learn how to not only synchronize all of your elements in play, and with the most divine precision, strike at just the right time, with just enough force, you cannot miss. From the smallest to largest target... You cannot miss! That is what life is about! Learning how to play the game, master the game, gain new skill levels, and advance your position...

Once you realize your goal, your ambitions become more refined, your success greater, and find yourself truly experiencing life... creating more positive outcomes.

Well, at least I do....

That's why I'm so charged... amped... geeked... (whoa, watch out now....! uh, what else.... c'mon... help me out ya'll... uh... stoked)... about the direction I see my generation moving in. Not what we did, but what we are doing. Stepping back up to the plate, taking more active roles in the mobilization of a movement. A movement of headz who understand our role to preserve the sanctity of a culture divinely commissioned to serve as the voice of a generation.

Taking active roles in rebuilding communities. No longer sitting on the sidelines, but using experience, technology, and the evolution of ideas to promote progressive change. I'm personally happy to have the opportunity to use hip-hop as fuel for my vehicle.

So, if you feel like me and feel a need to be a part of the solution.... even if you don't consider yourself 'hip-hop', find your role in the movement and speak it loud, and proud, and clear... for all to hear! There should be no room in your drawers for apathy! It's a nice way of saying 'lame'! (Well, again... according to me... And who am I?... I am the millions of voices of folks fighting for freedom to live fulfilled....) The oldest and still most valid, reason to be active is still as relevant today, as it was 100 years ago. "You can't complain about something, do nothing, and expect change." .....

Oh! ha, ha, ha you're still waiting for Barack Obama to serve you some fried Change, with a side order of hope (with hot & mild sauce)... Then you interpreted the wrong message, SON! His journey is not to rescue us from despair... Now these are just my words, but I think his mission is (partly) to show us that, even the most 'unexpected-seemingly-impossible dreams' can come true. If we could witness a black president and his black family, move into the the White House, then surely one can dream of rebuilding a community... a neighborhood... a block... a family.

That's why I'm so 'pumped' (ha... there's more. lol) about what I can see from my vantage point. So many people, are apparently not getting a good view of what's going on. They say things like, "Hip-Hop is dead and ain't coming back"... Stuff like "Chicago is the home of haters, cos we don't support each other... blah, blahhhh", or worse "Ain't nobody doing nothing no way!!!!"

AHHHHHHH the blasphemy! Many of us are grinding hard... digging trenches with our bare knuckles.... and I'm not even as hard core as some of my counterparts. Those who have been here on the streets of Chi even before Barack Obama rose through the ranks of grassroots community organizer to president of these here United States.

And It Don't Stop, The Movement Continues this year as we host the continuum of harmonious grandeur to fruition. It's happening right before your eyes.... The revolution is intellectual, spiritual, community oriented and progressive... It is marked by change, and how far the pendulum swings when we are in full action.

We're on the move.... And I'm NOT gonna sit by and just watch....
You shouldn't either...

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